Bill Gates' Book Recommendations: 5 Must-Reads for 2023

Stranger in a Strange Land

It tells the story of a young man who was raised on Mars and then returns to Earth to found a new religion. I think it's a hallmark of the best science fiction that Heinlein could predict the advent of hippie culture years before it actually happened.


A extremely fascinating book on the rise of a rock star and philanthropist from the Dublin suburbs.

The inner game of Tennis

Gallwey contends that your mental health is at least as vital as your bodily health. He gives great advice on how to learn from mistakes and move on.

Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln

There are many similarities between today and the 1860s, when the nation was dealing with a violent revolt, severe racial issues, and ideological divisions across states and regions. Today's leaders may learn a lot about Lincoln from Team of Rivals.

Mendeleyev’s Dream

This is a fascinating look at the development of science and the evolution of human curiosity over time.