Five IIT Madras women professors are listed below.

Let's talk about the list of five female professors at IIT Madras who have won awards.

Dr. Shweta Agrawal, an associate professor, was given the Swarnajayanti award by the ACM India for her outstanding contributions to computers.

She has received numerous honours, including the J. C. Bose Patent Award, the Gandhian Young Technology Innovator Award, the Magudam Award for Best Innovation, and the Water Shero Award.

Bandwidth Maximisation for Split Phase Traffic Signals, among other titles, are only a few of the primary titles for which she has won the Best Paper Award.Lelitha Devi Vanajakshi is a professor of civil engineering and the MoRTH chair.

Bandwidth Maximisation for Split Phase Traffic Signals, among other titles, are only a few of the primary titles for which she has won the Best Paper Award.Lelitha Devi Vanajakshi is a professor of civil engineering and the MoRTH chair.When is International Day for Public Service observed? June 23 and June 27 are first. 3. 30 JuneCheck out to discover the solution

Awarded "Best Faculty Entrepreneur" by IIT Madras on April 26, 2023, World Intellectual Property DayMechanical Engineering Department Professor Sujatha Srinivasan