Following the US Debt Ceiling, XRP increases while Bitcoin and Ether decline.

Tuesday's Asian trade saw losses for Bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies, with Bitcoin plunging as investors took profits following Monday's gains.

However, XRP defied the trend and increased amid claims that it is cheap in light of successful outcomes in Ripple Labs' legal case in the United States.

President Biden and House Speaker McCarthy reached an agreement to lift the government's debt ceiling, which resulted in an increase in stock futures in the United States.

Investors were encouraged by this accord, but it also sparked worries about inflation and probable interest rate increases.

Despite the decline, Bitcoin nevertheless increased by 2.95% for the week, peaking on Monday AM in Asia at US$28,300.

Additionally, XRP saw gains over the last week and the past 24 hours due to information revealed in the infamous lawsuit against the company.