PEPE is at the top of the list with a 24-Hr trading volume of $159,678,374. The price at this moment is $0.000001513.
Following closely after with a market cap of $12,763,481, is Wagmi Coin. The price at this moment is $0.00000003034.
Sui ranks third with a market valuation of $594,149,933 on the list. It is now trading at $1.12 with a $108,306,324 24-hour trading volume.
Market capitalization for Arbitrum is $1,473,839,076. With a 24-hour trading volume of $141,167,304, it is now trading at $1.16.
The fifth-placed Love Hate Inu had a 24-hour trading volume of $17,745,273. The price is currently $0.0002069.
PancakeSwap, which has a market cap of $366,679,569., comes in second. The price is presently $1.83.
With a market capitalization of $520,813,465,970, Bitcoin is closely behind. The price is presently $26,875.96.