National Health Mission Punjab, राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य मिशन पंजाब ने पंजाब राज्य के विभिन्न जिला अस्पतालों / उप मंडल अस्पतालों में छह महीने की अवधि के लिए हाउस सर्जन की भर्ती के लिए अधिसूचना जारी की है। Eligible and interested candidates can apply before 25-06-2023 (Midnight).
NHM Punjab House Surgeon Recruitment 2023:-
Post Name and Pay Scale | Vacancies | Educational Qualification |
House Surgeon Rs. 70,000/- per month | 523 | (i) The candidate must possess the minimum qualification of MBBS from a recognized University. (ii) In case of foreign medical graduate, the candidate must have cleared the National Board of Examinations. (iii) He should be registered with the Punjab Medical Council/Medical Council of India/ National Medical Council. (iv) Should have passed Punjabi upto Matric level or equivalent examination conducted by the Language Department, Punjab and as per latest instructions issued by Govt. of Punjab from time to time. |
Age Limit for House Surgeon:-
The age of the candidate shall be less than 37 years for House Surgeon Recruitment.
NHM Punjab Recruitment How to Apply:-
Interested candidates may Apply Online before 25-06-2023 (Midnight). Candidates can take the printout of the application form for future reference.
Selection Procedure for House Surgeon Recruitment:-
Merit will be determined on the basis of percentage of marks obtained in the professional examination.
NHM Punjab Recruitment 2023 Notes:-
(i) No T.A/D.A will be paid for journey preformed for counseling/ interview.
(ii) Number of posts may be decrease or increased without any notice.
(iii) Date of counseling is 28.06.2023 at 10:00 AM at their respective District Civil Surgeon office.
Important Dates:-
Last date and time for submission of online application:- 25-06-2023 (Midnight)